Church of England urged to make land available to Roma People

Synod to vote to protect Roma and Travellers from ‘institutional racism’
The Church of England is being urged to make land available for Roma and travelling communities who face institutional racism and ostracisation.

It may also appoint chaplains to provide pastoral care to Roma and Travellers, and to encourage them to become part of the church.

The governing body of the C of E, the synod will vote on a motion this weekend calling on bishops and other senior church figures to “speak out publicly against racism and hate crime directed against Roma, Irish Travellers, and urge the media to stop denigrating and victimising these communities”.

Local and national church bodies must “play their part in lobbying for and enabling  land to be made available” for sites for Roma and Travellers, says the motion proposed by Stephen Cottrell, bishop of Chelmsford.

In an unusual move, people from travelling communities will address synod directly at the start of the debate.


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