Greece ratified the agreement with NATO, Macedonia officially becomes North

According to the Prespa Agreement and the constitutional law for the implementation of the changes in the current Macedonian Constitution, the newly agreed name for the country, the Republic of Northern Macedonia, came into force after the Greek parliament ratified the protocol for Macedonia's membership in NATO.

According to the forecasts, Macedonia will officially become Republic of Northern Macedonia in a few days.

The Government has already established an Inter-Sector Group that will have to prepare a National Action Plan for the implementation of further measures and activities, and within seven days state institutions, border crossings and diolomatic consular offices will have to change the tables with the new name of the state - the Republic Northern Macedonia.

The government does not expect problems from state institutions when using the new name of the state.

How much the whole process will cost the government is not disclosing, but they say that it will be known after the whole procedure is over.

The change of the constitutional name of Macedonia follows after the signing of the Prespa Treaty and its ratification in the parliaments of both countries. After a 27-year dispute with Greece, Macedonia will change its name from "Republic of Macedonia" to "Republic of Northern Macedonia".

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