What did November 29th mean in the former Yugoslavia?

Republic Day was celebrated on November 29th and was one of the five national holidays in the former Yugoslavia.

This date actually marked the Second Session of AVNOJ in Jajce, Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1943, when, under the leadership of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, a decision was made to form a federal state of Yugoslavia, as well as a constituent Assembly two years later, when it was named the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia (FNRJ).

The famous Second Session of AVNOJ was attended by 142 delegates, and was chaired by the pre-war President of the Assembly of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, Dr. Ivan Ribar.

AVNOJ was then constituted as the legislative and executive representative body of Yugoslavia, while the National Committee for the Liberation of Yugoslavia (NKOJ) was constituted as the highest executive and organ of the people's government, which had all the characteristics of a people's revolutionary government.

All decisions and obligations of the previous government were annulled and she, along with Peter II Karađorđević, was expelled from the country.

At that time, the Slovenian and Croatian delegates in Jajce acted as representatives of separate states, and Slovenia had special demands regarding borders and language.

As a special decision of AVNOJ, Josip Broz Tito was awarded the title "Marshal of Yugoslavia", based on the proposal of the Slovenian delegation.

Yugoslavia is a name that designates three different but successive political entities that existed for most of the 20th century on the Balkan Peninsula, and within which the South Slavic countries, including Macedonia, fell.

After the end of the war - since 1945, that date was celebrated as the Day of the Republic and was one of the largest state holidays in the former SFRY, which was solemnly celebrated throughout the country. On this day, songs of praise for Tito were sung, performances were held in cultural centers, and first-grade students became pioneers. The last generation of pioneers was born in 1982. For many, however, the first association with this holiday is getting up early and going to a pig slaughterhouse. Due to the general euphoria that accompanied this day, even those who were not big fans of Tito and socialism celebrated it. The interesting thing about this holiday is that it continued to be celebrated after the collapse of the SFRY.

After the collapse of the SFRY, Republic Day ceased to be celebrated in almost all former republics, and from the late nineties it was celebrated only in Serbia, until its official abolition, on November 14, 2002, by a decision of the Federal Assembly of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

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