List of the most famous Roma settlements in Europe

This is a list of the most famous Roma settlements in Europe, where Roma constitute the majority population.

Bulgaria Stolipinovo, part of Plovdiv and one of the largest Roma settlements in the Balkans, Fakultet, Sofia, Tokaito in Pazardzhik and Nadezhda in Sliven

Slovakia Lunik IX, in Košice, the largest Roma settlement in Slovakia.

Czech Republic Čanov, a Roma settlement in Rudolice nad Bilinou

Hungary Hos Utca in Budapest, Alšosentmárton, a Roma village in Baranja, etc.

Macedonia Municipality of Šuto Orizari, Skopje, Topaana, Skopje, Sredorek, Kumanovo. Bair, Bitola,. Trizla, Prilep, etc.

Kosovo, Bresje in Kosovo Polje

Serbia, Deponia, a Roma settlement in Belgrade. Yatagan Maala, Marinkova Bara settlement in Belgrade, Bangladesh, Roma settlement in Novi Sad, Red Cross, Niš, etc.

Romania, Ferentari in Bucharest

Spain, Sacromonte in Granada, Triana in Seville, and Nou Baris in Barcelona

Portugal Caniera, Montio in Setubal

Italy Scampia in Naples

Greece Scampia in Athens

Turkey Sulukulele and Ayvansaray in Istanbul

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