Finland: On September 6 in Helsinki Dissertation by Dr. Henry Hedman on "Am I Rrom?"

Henry is the first full-Roma in Finland (both parents are Roma) to get a doctorate in Finland. The dissertation will be held on September 6, 2024 at 12:00 (Finnish time) at the University of Helsinki's Metsätalo, B116 (hall 1). Professor emerita Arja Virta from the University of Turku acts as the opponent. Dissertation title: Am I a Rrom? Continuity of Romanipen in exogamous families. The dissertation will be publish on the website of the University of Helsinki: Dissertations Universitatis Helsingiensis 191/2024 Number of pages: 212 pages + 68 pages of appendices. You can follow the live dissertation conference from the hall's Unitube link: The dissertation and the dissertation conference are in Finnish, but at the beginning of the book there is a summary in English and Romani language. By the way, Dr. Henry Hedman is also an advisor in the IRU Cabinet

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