At the Faculty of Philology in Skopje, the Network for Systematic and Permanent Solutions marked the International Day of the Roma Language on November 5 with an academic class "Promotion of the Roma Language and Literature"

Today at the Faculty of Philology "Blaze Koneski" in Skopje, in preparation for the International Day of the Romani Language, RDICM and the Network for Systemic and Permanent Solutions of the Roma Community in the Republic of Macedonia, supported by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, marked this significant day.

After singing the Macedonian and Roma anthems and showing a small documentary about the Roma language, Agim Nuhiu gave his welcoming speech. Deputy Min. in MES. Ljatifa Shikovska MP in the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia, the Dean of the Faculty of Philology prof. Vladimir Martinovski as well as network coordinator Zoran Dimov.

During the academic class led by Daniel Petrovski, M.Sc., M.Sc. Sevdia D. Abdulova and special lecturer Dr. Sumi Yusuke from Japan.

They talked about how to find the best way to formalize and open a department of Romani language at the Faculty of Philology in Skopje and to promote the Romani language and literature." After the lecture, a discussion was opened on these topics.

At the end of the event, ten plaques were awarded to individuals and institutions that made an effort to give their full contribution to the promotion and advancement of the Romani language. The organizer also made an effort to have an exhibition performance through visual banners, the content of which is the history of the meaning of the Romani language, which will remain in the hall until next week so that UKIM students can get to know the Romani language and literature better.

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