Ten new Pedagogical Assistants thanks to the training conducted by ARBICM with financial support from the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Skopje

As in the past few years, this year as well, with training that started in May 2023, ARBICM implemented the "Pedagogical Assistants" project, to help children from primary schools. Candidates for these trainings acquire a Diploma with the occupation – Pedagogical assistants.

This year, ten candidates successfully passed the training, who have been attending it since May 2023, and with the start of the new school year, they will begin their activity as pedagogical assistants in mastering the school material of students who have difficulties in their learning. That activity will be carried out until the end of December 2023.

All these Pedagogical Assistants can then establish a working relationship and be hired by the primary schools themselves.

Otherwise, it should be noted that this training was conducted and financially supported thanks to the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in the Republic of North Macedonia, which allocated funds for its implementation.

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