Jubilee of five years from "Saip Yusuf" High School in Shuto Orizari Municipality

From Tuesday 28.01 to Thursday 30.01.2020 SUGS "Saip Jusuf" - Skopje celebrates the patron's holiday and 5 years of its existence.


That program ended on January 30 with the solemn academy organized at Salon 1919 which began at 7 pm.


Otherwise the educational activity in the school takes place in a school building with 12 classrooms and 6 classrooms with cabinets, 3 offices, 1 teacher's office, 1 library, 8 auxiliary rooms, 1 gym, 16 toilets and 3 basements for practical classes. .


The school educates students who can choose between 3 and 4 years of vocational education, with the following directions:

-Economic-legal and trade profession - Profile: Economic Technician

-Construction-surveying profession - Profile: Civil Engineer

- Health Care - Profile: Nurse

-Personal Services - Profile: Hairdresser

- Catering and tourism profession - Profile: Waiter

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FaLang translation system by Faboba

Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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