Slovak Plenipotentiary for Romani Communities: We will focus on education and employment

The Government of the Slovak Republic took note on 25 June 2019 of the "Monitoring Report on the Fulfillment of the Strategy of the Slovak Republic for Romani Integration to 2020", which monitors the fulfillment of the activities and measures outlined in the Action Plans for the Strategy in the areas of education, employment, financial inclusion, health, housing, non-discrimination and Romani community approaches toward the majority society during 2018, and which was undertaken by the Office of the Slovak Government Plenipotentiary for Romani Communities in association with the ministries and submitted to the Government by the Interior Minister. Of 154 activities and measures designed to be fulfilled during 2018, the Office of the Plenipotentiary assessed 85 as "fulfilled", or "about to be fulfilled", 54 as "underway" and 15 as "unfulfilled".

Almost EUR 120 million was spent last year on Romani integration in Slovakia. The investment was especially about activities to increase Romani employability and employment (EUR 75 million), educational activities (EUR 30 million) and the area of housing (EUR 7 million).


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