Selma Selman - Get the Heck to School!

The fundraising event for the project, which Selma decisively and humorously named “Get the Heck to School!” (Marš u školu!) will take place on the 10th of December at the Washington, D.C. home of painter Karin Lithell and Göran Lithell, Deputy Chief of Mission at the Swedish Embassy in the U.S.

All proceeds generated from the sale of Selma’s works will go toward the one-year assistance program for the education of Roma youth, which will include school lunch, English and computer lessons, awards for the successful completion of their school semester as well as special projects such as trips and workshops.

Regardless of her young age and continuing education, Selma has an extremely strong, almost obsessive need to contribute to her community and to help those with childhoods similar to her own. "If I were to wait another ten years to start, until my life is together, then these children would lose their chance. If I begin now,

I believe that some children will succeed. These children are not a burden to me; they are the meaning of life. I’m giving only a little bit so that they can later be able to do a lot for themselves and so that this idea can take root,” says Selma.


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