Granny Boswell: Cornwall's Gypsy Queen

There are some women in history that I really wish I could meet and Granny Boswell, Gypsy Queen, would be one of them.

Granny Boswell was of course not always a granny, Ann Boswell was born in 1813. She and her husband, Ephraim, locally known as the King of the Gypsies, are said to have come from Tipperary, Ireland.

In 1861 however she gave birth to the first of her six children in a ten on Kirland Road, Bodmin.I know this because Ann and Ephraim had their new daughter, Love Unity Boswell, baptised and the circumstances of the family were recorded in the register. 

This is quite strange by the way, Ann appears to be in her later 40s when her children are born, not impossible but very unusual.



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