Condemnation of the attack on Miloš Acković, Deputy Director of the House of Roma Culture in Belgrade

The Ministry for Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue strongly condemns the attack on the Deputy Director of the House of Roma Culture in Belgrade, Miloš Acković, which occurred in the evening hours of December 5, 2024.

The attack on Acković, a long-time fighter for Roma rights and promoter of multicultural dialogue, represents not only an unacceptable act of endangering personal security, but also a deeply disturbing act that must not go unpunished.

The House of Roma Culture plays a significant role in the preservation and promotion of Roma cultural heritage and identity. The attack on its representatives and the values ​​it represents is an act of intolerance and bigotry that has no place in the society of the Republic of Serbia.

The Ministry calls on the authorities to identify and apprehend those responsible for the attack, and on the public, institutions, and society as a whole to work dedicatedly to building a tolerant and inclusive society, in which everyone will be able to live and work without fear for their safety.



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