New European Commission Announces Greater Access to EU Programs for Roma

In a LinkedIn post, Neda Korunovska, Vice President of Analysis at the Roma Foundation for Europe, explains why the new European Commission’s focus on investment is great news – for everyone, but especially for young Roma.

“At her confirmation hearings, Commissioner Roxana Minzatu called for a ‘skills revolution’, acknowledging that too many vulnerable people, including Roma, are not accessing EU programs. She promised to fix this by focusing investments on what people really need, such as training for high-demand jobs,” Korunovska points out.

Korunovska adds that this is what Roma support organizations have been calling for for years to help them thrive and contribute to Europe’s economy.

But, she says, there is a challenge: EU investment will only work if countries improve services for everyone. If member states become stronger, everyone can contribute to building a stronger, more competitive Europe.




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