A student (11) in the elementary school in Pukovac – Nish, brought a knife in his school bag with the intention of hurting Roma children

On Tuesday, September 5, a post was posted on the FB social network by the parents of Danijel MIlanović from Pukovac, in which it is written that an eleven-year-old school student from this place carried a knife in his school bag with the intention of seriously injuring the Roma children who go to school with him, which his son also attends.

"Today, in the school in Pukovac, a minor child from Doljevac I.Š brought a knife in his bag, with the intention of seriously injuring the Roma children who go to school with him. The reason for this is the hatred towards Roma children, regardless of age and gender. Unfortunately, there are numerous reports, lawsuits and complaints from girls, boys, teachers, principals and even pedagogues against that boy, who is only 10-11 years old. nothing about that, to provide the necessary help to that little one who attends the 5th grade, so that the child can recover as soon as possible from that disorder in his head. I hope that today's attempt to injure children, among whom was my son, is the last warning to all competent institutions to take seriously that they have a serious problem with a child, who in a few years will grow into a BONE and do something that can never be returned." , writes Milanović in the published post.

"Will I.Š. to become one of the future bullies, or a member of some gang, sect, ... we don't know, but we know that it is time to provide this child with professional help so that tomorrow is not too late," writes media portal RomaWorld.

The journalist of this portal talked to Mr. Daniel, and according to him, all this took place on September 5, 2023, in the elementary school "Vuk Karadžić" in Pukovac, unfortunately the reaction of the school was absent, at least it was possible to talk to the child, as in every class to talk with children about violence against peers, discrimination, prejudice... According to this media, they will soon publish an interview with Mr. Danijela Milanović from Doljevac.

RomaWorld appealed to the employees of the "VUk Karadžić" elementary school, the social service and the MUP to respond to this event as soon as possible and solve the problem in the right way.

Link: https://rominfomedia.rs/2023/09/08/ucenik11u-osnovnoj-skoli-u-pukovcu-poneo-noz-u-skolskoj-torbi-u-nameri-da-povredi-romsku-decu/?fbclid=IwAR219h0L1e-Lf87nyjjeT2q1fm0erKVFuhehFoSHTWCt5hd2BiZgkNA1JE8


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