Brno, Czech Republic: Anti-Ukrainian, xenophobic demonstration features controversial Romani community member

Less than 100 people attended an anti-Ukrainian, xenophobic demonstration in Brno on Saturday convened by the pro-Russian purveyor of disinformation, Jakub Netík. Along with David Mezei, the controversial Romani community member, they both did their best to exploit the recent death of a Romani youth and to stir up anti-Ukrainian sentiment. Classic pro-Russian propaganda and calls for the Government to resign were heard at the demonstration. Netík opened the assembly by claiming that the people gathered in front of the Janáček Theater were neither extremists nor racists. “They say we’re some kind of racists, that we’re even Nazis! I don’t get how they could arrive at that conclusion,” Netík said in his opening remarks – this from a person who alleged last year that only the “Blacks” fleeing Ukraine were being given aid.

Speaking in a video he produced in March 2022, Netík made the following claims: “The borders are full of migrants, inadaptables, arrogant guys who are turning their noses up at our donations. The mothers who are there, poor things, are just getting biscuits, they’re absolutely frozen, in tents, they’re waiting to see if somebody will select them. They’re privileging the Blacks, whom they’re sending on a heated bus to the Czech Republic and Slovakia.”


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