Kosovo: The police did not allow the Roma flag and the flags of all communities to be placed in front of the Government of Kosovo

The leader of the Civic Initiative "Serbian Survival" Aleksandar Arsenijević and the deputy chairman for communities in the municipality of North Mitrovica Skender Sadiku tried on Wednesday to place the Serbian, Bosniak, Roma and Turkish flags in front of the Kosovo Government building in Pristina. However, the police did not allow them to do so.

Arsenijević and Sadiku insisted that the flags be placed in front of the Government building where, in addition to the Kosovo flag, there are also the flags of Albania, the United States of America and the European Union.

Arsenijević stated in the conversation with the policemen that according to the Constitution of Kosovo, Serbs and other non-majority communities have the right to their symbols and requested that they be allowed to display the flags of other communities recognized by the constitution in Kosovo. However, he received an answer that according to the Law on the Use of State Symbols, they cannot do that.

Link: https://www.glasamerike.net/a/arsenijevi%C4%87-i-sadiku-poku%C5%A1ali-da-postave-zastave-svih-zajednica-ispred-zgrade-vlade-kosova/7136830.html?fbclid=IwAR0Trrdn8t9l1ZeE7WcNNyxx7lmUyPinj9i0YQo4kdqyE8WpoxK9hQzruiY

Video: https://www.glasamerike.net/a/arsenijevi%C4%87-i-sadiku-poku%C5%A1ali-da-postave-zastave-zajednica-ispred-vlade-kosova/7136954.html#player-start-time=6.237922

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