Croatia; Roma continue to face a number of difficulties

The Human Rights Bureau has released a report on the human rights situation in Croatia for 2019.
It resulted from year-round monitoring and interviews and surveys conducted by over 50 NGOs. The report gives an overview of the problems, challenges and recommendations for human rights protection that marked 2018.

The Croatian constitution and the law on discrimination protect minorities from discrimination. But in the Ombudsman's regional offices, ethnic discrimination is the most prevalent form that is most targeted at Roma and Serbs in the Republic of Croatia.

"Segregation of the Roma in the education system is always present and is a serious problem in parts of Croatia where there are more Roma," the report said.

Around 20% of the population lives on the threshold of poverty, inequality between urban and rural areas mostly affects marginalized groups.

Although a revision of the Roma National Minority Operational Program is foreseen, and after three years of adoption of the Action Plan, no new strategy has been adopted, nor has the National Strategy been revised.

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