According to "Vecernje Novosti" - Ramush Haradinaj killed Roma from Kosovo

The former KLA leader Ramush Haradinaj, according to the Belgrade media, directly took part and killed Roma from Kosovo during the wars in that province
Vecernje Novosti dispute Haradinaj gave an order in the basement of Hotel Pashric in Djakovica to make a temporary prison where Arben Shkupi, Anton Lekaj, Besim Behrastimi, Shaban Azemi. Rifat Uksinay and other KLA members illegally detained non-Albanian civilians, committing terror and rape.
Haradinaj ordered several prisoners to be taken to the shore of the Erenik River near the slaughterhouse "Agimi" or in the nearby forest and were killed.

On June 12, 1999 near the factory "Edmin Duraku" Shkupi, Lekaj, Bezrazimi, Azemi. Ukshinaj and Hoxha Hekuran, accompanied by Ukaj, performed a wedding procession for several Roma. Rzhem Bedri and Salija Shalja, Gzim Iširi, Eifeta Zekiri, Bajram Krasniqi Zvezdan Ljuljdaj, Shaban Biljala, Sofia Tafa, Hassan Tafa and the juvenile bride Ganimet Tafa were taken away and kept for hours in the factory.

In the hotel cellar, they spent four days raping women more than once. One day one of the victims tried to escape through a window, but they caught him, cut off his head and thrown him into the river. About two o'clock in the morning on June 15, Shupupi told Bedrija and Reggio Shala, Bajram Krasniqi Zvezdan Lusay and Gagovic that on Haradinaj's order they would be shot. They tied them and took them near the slaughterhouse "Agimi" and were shot together by Bedrija Shanja, who managed to escape.

Otherwise, Haradinaj was convicted for crimes in The Hague and then released for lack of evidence and was one of the biggest problems during the trial of Haradinaj was the intimidation and liquidation of witnesses.

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