Mateo Salvini seeks to sterilize the Roma woman

Mateo Salvini - "This cursed thief in prison for thirty years has put himself in the position of no more children, and her poor children have given up for decent families."


These are the words of Interior Minister Mateo Salvini, who commented on the news of a Roma woman who robbed an elderly tourist tourist in Rome. Here is the opinion of Salvini, who defines the woman as "the cursed thief" and does not hesitate to call for sterilization for her.


The affair took place in Rome, where a woman, known as Madame Theft, was postponed because she was pregnant.


The woman was sentenced to 25 years in prison, which was supposed to serve her after birth. Vasilija Husic, a 33-year-old Bosnian woman, robbed a 86-year-old Peruvian tourist at the Flaminio subway station in Rome during pregnancy for the 11th time.


Police blocked Husic and three other pickups who were with her, including a minor. The two adults who were with her were subjected to a very direct ritual during which the judge confirmed the arrest.

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