Brcko, BiH: Another fire in the Roma settlement of Prutaca in Brcko, the reasons for now are unknown

The Brcko police say the fire broke out on May 18 and firefighters surfaced and localized it on time.

For now, according to official information, the reason for this fire is known. According to the information, the fire occurred in the building number 28 in this settlement.

Luckily, in this fiery element, no casualties have been hurt. According to them, there is only material damage.

Otherwise, the application to the police arrived in the morning around 10:40 am, when several fire trucks were also on the ground for localization.

The fire was extinguished and placed under control and now the police are inspecting the site to determine the cause of the fire, said Halid Ekmic. head of the Operational Communication Center of the Brčko Distrikt in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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