The League of Salvini in Lazio, between Roma and Casapound clans

But how? Do they incite the "populace" of the Roman suburbs, even suggesting that they drive out immigrants, Roma, gypsies and then do business together?

Do they even use the Roma mafia clans in the province of Latina for electoral campaigns, and then wink at CasaPound and Forza Nuova which, as Rome mayor Virginia Raggi put it, foster racial hatred?

This story of Matteo Salvini exterminating criminals, gypsies and immigrants cries out justice. Because in order to get votes where he had seen them only with the telescope he embarked the unpresentable. Also in Rome, the capital. And this is the sign of the times.
Offends the attitude of the League against Rome, which was thieving.

At the latest policies of a year ago, the Lega nel Lazio took 11.84% in the first Circumscription, 16.52% in the second. Overcoming Forza Italia (but not the Five Stars and the Democratic Party).


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