In Italy, a memorial in memory of the Roma victims of the genocide during the Second World War

In the memorial park in Lanciano in Italy, a monument was erected in memory of the Roma victims of the genocide during the Second World War, which was made by sculptor Tonino Santeusani.

The Italian monument is the second largest for Roma victims in Europe after the one in Berlin, and at the initiative of professor and musician Santino Spinelli.

At G. D'Annuzio University, he delivered a lecture on the commemoration of the Roma victims of the Second World War in the Republic of Croatia within the inter-city conference on Samudaripe. During the conference, a declaration was also signed for Samudaripe, where beside those present on behalf of the university, Vice-rector Stefano Trinancheze was also signed.

We are getting more and more statements by the Italian Interior Minister Mateo Salvini who announced last year the implementation of an inventory of Roma in Italy as an introduction to the expulsion of those who do not have citizenship.

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