Delegacia taro IRU an o Jasenovac, Hrvatska bašo notiriba e 2-to Avgusto - Dive taro Holokausti

Bašo notiriba e 2-to Avgusto - Holokaust dives pali akahrin taro hrvtasko Govermento thaj membro an o Sabor Veljko Kajtazi an i ceremonia ka lel than delegacia tari Internacionalno Romani Unia -IRU legardi taro Presidento Zoran Dimov, Vicepresidento an o IRU Mite Hasim thaj o Sekretaro an o IRU Parlamento Veli Husein.

O membria taro IRU ka oven kotor tari IRU delegacia so an i utsavali cermenoia ko notiriba e diveseske an o memrialno centro Jasenovac  - Hrvtaska  ka čhiven venco lulugjencar an o memorialno centro.

Ko notiriba akale diveseske piro than ka len delegacie thaj aver themendar em govermenteskere membria.

Ko vakti akale cermoniake planirimo si thaj dikhiba membrencar taro aver thema thaj prezentacia e planenge thaj IRU programe.


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FaLang translation system by Faboba

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