Aleksian Santino Spireli thaj i phursakerdi gili TU ŠAJ

Akaja gili taro pmedžarutno romano muzičaro thaj aktivisto Aleksian Santino Spireli tari Italia persi berš lelja than an o Internacionalno festivalo e Romane Poesiake.

Ov an o akava festivalo lelja o dujto than phursako. Akava festivalo si telel anav "Amico Rom".

Ko jekh akaja gili arakhli te editirinel pe an i Antologia e romane editorialeske tari rog e profesoreske Spireli.


Tu šaj

Tu šaj me chera te perave,

ji pe phuv Bullduzerenca,

djuklenca me familia te darave,

Qo bokhallo ji qalardoll katar me chavrrengo rovipe

Me sem qerdo katar o barr, jilasa ka iriv lenje o asaipe.

Tu shai te tradema katar e phuv e Devlesi,

Akatar, okotar, khatarindar than te na astarav.

Ni biyandilem me araqi, o juvdipe sikadama

Sar e tellaphuvaqi len arakhav o than thay pharravav.

Tu man mudardanma,

Ane yag phabardanma,

Ane phuv juvdo qhutanma,

Munrre kokalla vaqarde,

Andar e phuv ushtile.

Aven tuqe ane sune,

Munrre kotora e ratvale,

Me yakha e ikallde,

Me chavrrengo daravno dichipe,

Amare kokalla e guvde.

Nay tut than katar munrri uqalin,

Palla tute jall pe sarsavi xnz,

Me sem qo koyshiya, ce buqako amall, qo mushteriya, qo amall

Godlese, dema respekti, inzar manje qo va,

Kay phuv shai te ullava,

Si than tuqe thay manje,

Vi man o Doll qerda.


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