Italian Police break up neo-Nazi group, arrest at least 12 people

Friday, 13 December 2024
Italian Police break up neo-Nazi group, arrest at least 12 people

Deutsche Presse-Agentur (DPA) reports that Italian police have arrested at least 12 people during a raid against a group of neo-Nazis. The statewide raid against a group calling itself Werwolf Division involved security forces searching dozens of apartments, the prosecutor's office in Bologna said. There is a distinctive right-wing scene in Bologna, in the north of Italy, as well as in other parts of the country. Those arrested have now been charged with membership in a terrorist organization; propaganda; Holocaust denial; inciting the commission of crimes motivated by ethnic, racial or religious discrimination; and firearms possession. The group has been striving to create an ethnically pure authoritarian state, including by planning violent actions against highly-placed members of institutions, investigators said. Police are investigating 25 people between the ages of 19 and 76. DPA reports that the group’s name refers to the Nazi plan called Werwolf, established during the final months...

Men, women, young and old addicted to gambling. Betting shops and casinos are full

Friday, 13 December 2024
Men, women, young and old addicted to gambling. Betting shops and casinos are full

Although there has been a shortage of money and a severe financial crisis for years, as shown by the results of various surveys, we are witnesses that betting shops and casinos are full almost every day, and what is particularly worrying is the not so small number of minors who very often visit gambling houses despite the fact that they are strictly prohibited from entering them. The data that as many as 44 percent of the adult male population in the Balkans practices some kind of gambling is alarming, and what is also noticeable is that an increasing number of women and girls are trying their luck in betting shops and casinos. The facilities for this purpose are full almost every day, especially during the weekends, and given that there is a major financial crisis, the question arises - how is this possible? Many sociologists and psychologists believe that this...

Roma in Turkmenistan

Thursday, 12 December 2024
Roma in Turkmenistan

Roma living in Central Asia mainly live in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, but Roma also live in Turkmenistan. The approximate number of Roma in Turkmenistan is not known. Roma in Central Asia are known as; Luli, Djuchi, Mazang and Agacha. The name changes depending on which country they live in in Central Asia, Luli and Djuchi refer to the same group of people, and Mazang Roma are found throughout Central Asia. Agacha Roma are mainly settled in the Namangan region (Uzbekistan) and in the city of Bazar Kurgan in the Jalal-Abad region of Kyrgyzstan. Roma were deprived of most of their rights in Central Asia. They were not landowners and therefore had to move. However, the Roma had temporary camps near large cities or rural areas, so they were only partially nomadic. The Roma in Turkmenistan are mostly of the Islamic religion, and they cherish that tradition. They bury their dead,...

Šutka NEWS

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December 13 - 32 years of TV BTR National

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The Roma community in Macedonia got another lawyer - Emran Ismail

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10-toKONGRESO TARO IRU- 18-20.03.2016 berš. SKOPJE - R. MAKEDONIA

Anela akaja:





Sa o membrora taro IRU so lele than ko akava periodi thaj taro jubilei Internacionalno Romane Uniake - IRU taro plo fundiripa - 45 berša, amen o delegatora an o 10-to Kongreso , an o amaro mitingo taro plenarno bešin an o 19 marto 2016 berš keras deklaracia thaj afirmacia: 


An o anav amare papunge, mamienge, dada thaj daja so mule an o Baro Romano Genocido an o fašsitikano periodo, thaj mangin te keras majlačho avutnipa amare čhavenge thaj poti,


Dživdipa an o tromalipa, harmonia thaj jekhipa sa e manušemge an i planeta,  


Daja lafi kote taro akana ka keras amaro dživdipa , rat thaj zoralipa te ikera amare kolektivno niamia, ko anav e Romane lačhipaske thaj digniteto e Romane naciake. 


Te kera afirmacia amare statuseske, deklaririme panda taro 5-to Kongreso , sar Nacia bizi Them.


Akalesa keras baripa kaj si verivikacia kerdi e Romane Naciake , biami an i historikani migracia an o Indiakoro telalkontinento, sar integralno kotor tari Indiakiri Diaspore.


Amen sem Nacia , numa histrikane vakteske thaj phanle, paldime , genocirime, thaj trubul amen te istemalkeras amare hakoja telal nacionalno thaj internacionalno kontraktia


Te rodas sasti emancipacia thaj egaliteti amare Romenge


An o momento isi natolerancia thaj diskriminacia, thaj te keras maripa mujal sa o forme taro " anti ciganizmo" thaj rasizmo,


Akale resarinaja amen pakjaja kaj si importantno te džal pe anglal saste liparde premal jekhipa, lačharipa sa e Romenge thaj Romane Organizacie thaj khidipa an i sasti lumia, 


Te šaj avel pe dži ko jekhipa, amen džanaja kaj o Romano aktiviteti so an o akava Kongreso kerel 50  berša pharipa trubul radikalno reforme, 


I Forma thaj o avipa odole reformake si majšukar sikavdi prekal o akto Demokratsko Tranzicia kote korkoro thanjaripaja prekal forma taro buvljaripa e demokratiake an o sa o niveloa tari organizacia resel pe dži akala nukte,


Majbaro legitimiteti, transparentno buti, džovaplipa thaj politikano džanlipa, 

Savo re siem jekhutne te kera i Komisia so ka kerel implementacia taro Elektronsko votipa.


Akhara akale Komisia te lel faktia thaj tehnikane jali aver problemia te notirinen thaj te keren decizie ko periodo jekh berš palo akava Kongreso,


Odolea amen ka arkha o vakti thaj i data bašo avutno 11 -to Kongreso an o 2020 berš ka šaj keren pe alusaribaskere thana an i sasti planeta, so unime ka keren konstatacia bašo deibe mandato  tari Romani Nacia.


Amari mangin kote akava Mandato an o avutnipa ka anel Referendumi thaj Saste Votiba, mandateskoro zoralipa, autoriteto an i amari bari Nacia.


Odoleske i mangin thaj aspiracia taro IRU si te kerel plasmano e renovirime demokratsko romane aktiviteteske kaj ka bajrol o manušikano suvereniteto, te šaj kerel i Romani Nacia plasmano an o Unime Nacie, Europakiri Unia thaj aver globalno institucie, partie thaj aver aktiviteto.

Sar avgo akto akava Kongreso akahara prekal akanutno Mandati so sine votime o neve membrora thaj o Kabineto te keren akcia kaj o IRU šaj palem kerel registracia an o Rostrumi taro Unime Nacie.


Ko jek vakti kana trubul i lumia te ovel jekh than savore manušenge , amen trubul te kera notacia pragdigma avdisutne politikake thaj saste progreso an i amari emnacipacia  thaj nacionalno kvalifikacia kaj ko avutnipa akava šaj resel pe.







Akava Kongreso akharel sa e neve alusarde membroren thaj o membria an o Prezidiumi, Kabineto, thaj Parlamento an oo IRU te keren barabutne aktiviteto sa amre phralikane romane organizaciencar baši koordinacia e 8-to Aprilo 2016 Jubilarno Internacionalno dive e Romengoro, prekal sa o segemntia (aniba decizie, diskusie thaj hango):


1 Manifestacia maripa mujal o anticiganizmo thaj rasizmo


2  Aktiviteti e diveseske te prependžarel pe i Romani Nacia mujal i akanutni terminologia Roma, sar minjoriteto kobor siem an i lumia thaj kaj sem bari Nacia


3  Notiripa thaj utsavakeripa te šaj pendžara amaro avipa tari India sar integralno kotor tari Indiakiri diaspora te da suporto e romane čhibjake, kulturake thaj sa okova so notirinel i Romani Nacia thaj dži e Indiakoro Govermento, propozalo kaj sem amen kotor olendar, thaj te keras suporto bašo tromalipa thaj progreso lungo vaketske an i amari planeta.


4  Apelo thaj aktiviteto baši i migracia , thaj majhumano tretmano e Romane naciake




Aktiviteti an o:


Buti vaš i konpezacia thaj o nanipa kompenzacia finansiko arka tari Germania, ustria, Italia thaj aver thema so an o thavdipa taro baro Genocid upral o Roma kerdo si taro fašistikano režimi, kote baro kotor olendar mule , akhara urgentno te keren porpozalo bašo  fizičko thaj psihološko bilačho tretmani sa e generacienge so si biame palo odova maripa, sar kompenzacia vaš olengere paši familia , thaj te del pe olenge sar socialno siguriteto, kherutnipa, edukacia thaj buti, te šaj kerel pe eliminacia tari marginalizacia thaj te len o sasto than ano sasoitnipakote dživdinena.

O IRU si beršencar napalal instrumento baši Romano integracia respektea e Romen thaj i Romani Nacia , te šaj olengiri historia, kultura, tradicia vazdel an o nivelo majupre an o sako segmento akale moderno vakteske taro dživdipa.

Savore džanasa kaj o Roma sar aver da etnikumia ko vakti tari Dujto Lumiakoro Maripa sine an o Holokausto. Numa mazunipasa kaj nane but relevantno dokumentarno faktia odole bilačhe momenteske so si kerdo upral o Roma thaj olengoro mudaripa taro periodo taro Nacionalsocializmo.

O 10-to Kongreso an o IRU anel konkluzia bašo:

Konkretno komunikacia thaj butikeripa e Fondaciaja EVZ - Berlin, Germania niamea 1 (jekh) membro taro akava IRU te ovel an o EVZ - Fondacia an o Bordo. I EVZ fondacia te kere žutimos an o kkeripa proektia te len aktivno than an o rodaripa rigatar profesoria, naučnikia doktoria istoričaria thaj aver relevantno manupa an i konekcia e Holokaust upral o Roma an o periodi taro Nacional socialzmo taro Dujto lumiakoro maripa.

Notiriba thaneve, thaj arakhipa  - opservacia e purane monumentenge - liparia taro vakti taro Holokausto





An o Skopje                                                        IRU Prezidento

19.03.2016 berš     Zoran Dimov


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