The third "REDI Summit 2024" took place yesterday in Skopje

The third edition of "REDI Summit 2024" was officially opened in Skopje on February 28, with support from the EU. The official opening of the summit was addressed by the Vice Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Fatmir Bitici, the Minister of Labor and Social Policy Gjoko Velkovski, the director of the new Roma Foundation Zeljko Jovanovic and others. .

This third edition of the REDI Summit serves as a vital platform for dialogue, collaboration and knowledge exchange among government officials, experts, policy makers, business leaders, civil society representatives and students. This year's summit, themed "Roma Inclusion in Green and Digital Innovation and Equity in Environmental Management," explores innovative strategies, policies and partnerships to foster inclusive growth and socioeconomic empowerment in marginalized communities.

Within the framework of the summit, panel discussions were organized in which prominent leaders and experts from the covered areas participated. Sessions were also held on unlocking opportunities for Roma entrepreneurship, promoting inclusive growth and bridging the gaps in the transition to sustainable green energy.

- In-depth research of opportunities and challenges in the green and digital revolution for marginalized and Roma communities. Opportunities for networking and an entrepreneurship fair in which Roma entrepreneurs from the state and the region will participate, says the announcement from "REDI Summit 2024".

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