Elvis Shaqiri is a recipient of the US State Department's Global Champions Against Racism Award

Elvis Shaqiri, one of the founders of Romalitiko, an organization dedicated to the representation of the Roma in North Macedonia, is the winner of the Global Anti-Racism Champions (GARC) award given by the US State Department. Shaqiri, the award announcement said, played a key role in ending Roma statelessness and helped many Roma navigate complex administrative systems to access social services. His lifelong commitment to the Roma led to significant legislative progress. He holds a master's degree in human rights from the Central European University.

The US State Department's Global Champions Against Racism award honors and recognizes Elvis Shaqiri for his efforts to advance Roma rights and fight discrimination against Roma in North Macedonia.

Established in 2023, the Global Champions Against Racism (GARC) Award honors civil society individuals globally who have demonstrated exceptional courage, strength, leadership and commitment to advancing the human rights of members of marginalized racial, ethnic and indigenous communities, including people of African descent and fighting systemic racism, discrimination and xenophobia in their communities. GARC honorees are outstanding civil society leaders who were nominated by US embassies and consulates around the world.

This year, in addition to Elvis Shaqiri from North Macedonia, the award was also given to Dintie Sule Tayiru, a human rights advocate for the Fulbe community from Ghana, Urmila Chaudhary, a labor rights activist from Nepal, Tanya Duarte, an Afro-Mexican feminist and anti-racist activist from Mexico, Tomasa Jarhui Jacome, an indigenous political leader and human rights advocate from Bolivia, and John Leerdam, an activist and former parliamentarian from the Netherlands.

Link: https://www.facebook.com/romalitico/videos/8758407714215550

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