The call for applications for the renovation of households of the Roma population in the settlement of Bair has been published

Within the framework of the project "Bair - a joint action of Bitola for the inclusion of Roma" the call for applications for the renovation of households of the Roma population in the settlement of Bair is published. The purpose of this call is to renovate the households of 27 Roma families, whose buildings have a title deed.

It envisages three types of interventions from installing PVC windows, rebuilding the facade and reconstructing the roof. Citizens will have the opportunity from today, September 21, and every working day, including October 7, until 2 p.m., to register. If an insufficient number is called, the call will be extended," said Klimentina Gjorgjioska, project manager.

The project "Bair - joint action of Bitola for the inclusion of Roma" is financed by the European Union through the pre-accession aid instrument IPA 2, EU for Roma and people living in deep poverty. The implementers of the project are the Italian non-governmental organization COSV, "PREDA plus foundation" and the Municipality of Bitola.

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