Reaction: The Advocacy Network for Systemic and Permanent Solutions strongly condemns the failure to provide adequate medical care to Roma in the general hospital in Kočani

The advocacy network for systemic and permanent solutions for the integration of the Roma community in the Republic of North Macedonia, which includes 15 Roma NGOs, associations and associations, in its announcement that it will send to the relevant institutions and also to the public, says that: "The sharpest condemns the failure to provide adequate medical care in two cases of Roma by the employed medical staff at the General Hospital in Kočani. That's why the Advocacy Network for Systemic and Permanent Solutions calls on the competent institutions to react immediately and investigate both cases and act accordingly and take all sanctioning measures against the involved third parties," the Network for Advocacy said in a statement. advocacy for systemic and permanent solutions for the integration of the Roma community in the Republic of North Macedonia

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