ARBICM has awarded out six new certificates for Pedagogical Assistants for the new school year

The Association Roma Business Information Center - ARBICM from Skopje, in cooperation and financial support of the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in the Republic of North Macedonia, on August 27th this year in the office of ARBICM awarded six Certificates for successfully completed and completed project training "Pedagogical assistant for primary education students".

The certificates were handed out by the President of ARBICM Zoran Dimov, and also, besides the candidates for Pedagogical Assistants, the educators Ilioska Poliksena and Pendaroski Miroslav were also present during the ceremony.

The tasks of the Pedagogical Assistants will help the students to overcome a part of the educational plan. Also, they will have the task to keep the children who are at risk in schools and will support the process of education of the students from the primary schools in the conduction of their educational programs. Also, they will work with the parents to raise the awareness about the education of their children and improving the conditions for education.


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