Roma NGO network reacts to plagiarism campaign by Avaja

Ahead of the Parliamentary elections scheduled for April 12, 2020, one of the highlights is the issue of the Roma community, their needs for inclusion of priorities in political programs.


That struggle and priorities have always been important and various campaigns have been organized in that direction, most notably the Roma NGO sector.


In 2016, during the parliamentary elections, a network of Roma NGOs organized a campaign called "My Voice - My Responsibility"

The campaign presented the needs and problems of the Roma community for which they were identified during that period.


Four years later, more precisely now, in the run-up to these 2020 Parliamentary elections, similar events are being organized, but now without the network of Roma NGOs, but implemented by Roma activists and intellectuals from the AVAJA civic initiative, and named almost with the motto "My Voice - My Duty"


All is well, but the Roma NGO Network responds and wonders: "What is different with the previous implemented campaign and this one organized by Avaja?


What is the point and difference in this and the previous campaign. In the previous one, 70% of the Roma NGO sector participated, while this campaign was a "solo" of Avaja?


The reaction of the Roma NGO network is that this is quite transparent by Avaja, with the campaign title being plagiarized 4 years ago with a slight permutation of the slogan from "My Voice - My Responsibility" to "My Voice - My Duty" “


The second highlight is that Avaja is acting independently, not of a different ambition, but only because he wants to promote himself, and to self-confidently impose himself as a "factor" in the Roma community.


And the third point is the financial resource, where in the previous campaign the budget was equally distributed among all the Roma NGOs on the net, and in this campaign Avaja was "its own boss".


No more comment from the Roma NGO network is needed.

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