Discrimination against Roma women is difficult to eradicate

Roma women face many types of discrimination and suffer violence, but they often do not recognize it and do not even report it. Things may change, but it is not known how long it will take. NGOs work to raise awareness of education and economic empowerment.

Discrimination of Roma women comes from the family, and then only goes on in all social segments of their lives. They are discriminated against on all grounds, and this is difficult to recognize and it is still a matter of time for them to fight for their rights, respect and dignity, among other things, says young Birsana Demirovska from Kumanovo's Roma settlement Sredorek.

“There are many types of discrimination. There's violence, but women don't even try to report it because they think it's normal for their husband to slap them or something. "

The Roma women in the period of almost unfinished childhood enter the wild marital communities, and then the children give birth to children.

Link: https://www.slobodnaevropa.mk/a/30295489.html

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