IRU President Zoran Dimov is on a working visit to Finland from November 20 to 24

At the invitation of the Finnish IRU team Marja Eronen, Henry Hedman, Kimo Granqvist, Tula Åkerlund and Annette Åkerlund, IRU President Zoran Dimov will have a multi-day working meeting with representatives of the state institutions in Finland to discuss the situation and the challenges it faces. The Roma community in this Scandinavian country.

During Dimov's stay from November 20 to 24, he will be present at several meetings as well as organized conferences in the field of social and social justice, education and culture, as well as a meeting with Roma organizations and associations, as well as with representatives from churches. boards.

Among other things, he will have his own speech and discussion during a very important seminar on "Reducing discrimination against the Roma" that will be held at the University of Helsinki.

It must be noted that during the stay, the documentary of SP BTR "Sky, Wheel, Earth" will also be premiered for the Finnish audience on November 20 and 21.

As part of the cultural activities, also on the last day of the events, a concert of Spiritual Roma music is planned with the participation of a large number of performers and choirs.

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