Signed Memorandum of Cooperation between IRU and Networker Club LLC, in the field of implementation of the activities of the Roma Investment Fund - Accelerator (RIF-A)

A Memorandum of Cooperation between IRU and Networker Club LLC was signed today in the premises of the Networker Club in Skopje. On behalf of IRU was its president Zoran Dimov, while on behalf of Networker Club LLC, - Trade and Services Company, it was signed by Executive Director Sanja Mitrovska. This Memorandum is of great importance for both parties if it is known that work will be done in the field that includes the fields of activities of RIF-A, and some of them are - Development of Roma business network (business incubators), Development and implementation of practices that would result in startup businesses (micro and macro businesses), Connecting applicants with professional consultants. (preparation of a business plan) and others. And that will also mean Encouraging minority entrepreneurship by moving the initial stage, Financial support for the development of innovative start-up businesses, Economic progress, etc. Otherwise, the very Vision of RIF-A is increased employment, reduced poverty and established social cohesion. The mission of RIF-A is to support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, newly formed enterprises and social entrepreneurship in the Roma community. Long-term goals are: improved access to financial services, promotion of entrepreneurship, encouragement of innovation and development of partnerships. This approach requires a level playing field by providing equal chances for the realization of all ideas and initiatives.


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