The President of IRU Zoran Dimov on the day of the Romani language before the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia initiated the commitment to open a scientific Institute for Romani language, culture and history

Today, in the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, November 5, International Day of the Roma Language, in the presence of the highest representatives of the country, which was attended by the Prime Minister Hristijan Mickovski, the Minister without portfolio Shaban Saliu and other ministers, the president was also present and had his address of IRU Zoran Dimov.

Among other things, in his address he mentioned the importance and significance of the Roma language, as well as the rich culture and history of the Roma people. In the last few decades, serious efforts have been made to protect and promote the Romani language and culture. However, we face many challenges, as this language is still under threat of being lost due to assimilation and lack of systemic support. Today we celebrate the day of the Roma language, but at the same time let's remember the need for joint work for greater inclusion and support of the Roma community. The International Roma Union and I, as its president, initiated a month ago to start studying the Roma language as a course within the Blaže Koneski Faculty of Philology at UKIM, and now, 18 young Roma and non-Roma are already attending the course which it will last three months.

IRU and Daniel Petrovski, MA, initiate the opening of a scientific Institute for Romani language, culture and history, which in the first five years will deal with scientific activity and then higher education activity, which will produce professional Romani scientific and professorial staff from the social humanities sciences. The institute will affirm the Romani language, print literature in the Romani language and perform professional translation and interpretation of the language itself. This initiative will begin to be implemented first with the creation of a visibility study, from which a report should be produced, which will be submitted to the government institutions for approval. We suggest that the Institute be named after the first Doctor of Science, Roma, Professor Dr. Trajko Petrovski, and that it be a national institution within the Ministry of Education and Science or within the University of St. Cyril and Methodius, from whom we have support and also signed a Memorandum of Cooperation. It is precisely planned in that direction to produce qualified Roma staff as well as lecturers of the Roma language, culture and history.

That is why we are asking for support from all governmental and non-governmental institutions for our initiative. We hope that the Government will make its own contribution, as well as the Minister for the Implementation of the Roma Strategy, Mr. Shaban Saliu.

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