The President of IRU Zoran Dimov, participant of the 17th European Platform for Roma Inclusion, organized by DG JUST of the European Commission,

In Brussels, today, October 1, the 17th European Platform for Roma Inclusion, organized by DG JUST of the European Commission in cooperation with the Hungarian Presidency, started

At the invitation of the European Commission, the President of the IRU Zoran Dimov will attend this event.

This high-level event brought together political decision-makers from the EU, at national, regional and local levels, fund management bodies and representatives of Roma and pro-Roma civil society.

The main topic of the meeting is "Roma equality, inclusion and participation in the planning and development of the territory". This key topic in the wider Roma policy field aims to raise awareness of persistent issues and challenges, discuss ways to address these challenges and contribute to a more effective use of EU funds to promote equality, inclusion and participation of the Roma.

At the same time, the minister without portfolio in the Macedonian government, Shaban Saliu, was also present at this event.

During the event, IRU President Dimov had meetings and talks with high European representatives such as Mrs. Irena Moozova, Deputy Director General – International Dimension of Justice Policies, Rule of Law and Equality, Directorate General for Justice and Consumers, European commission, Ms. Melissa Kamara, Member of the European Parliament, Mr. Attila Stojka, State Secretary for Social Opportunities and Roma Relations, Hungary, Ms. Luci Fukova, Government Commissioner for Roma Minority Affairs, Czech Republic, Ms. Věra Jourova, Vice President of the European Commission for Values ​​and Transparency and others.


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