Declaration of the 12th IRU Congress

The International Romani Union – IRU's 12th Congress demands that in all countries the Roma people must be included as actors and planners - in addition to our international influence work - at all levels nationally, regionally and locally. We are no longer content to be the targets of measures, and we can no longer be considered only as problem cases. We are no longer satisfied with the crumbs of well-being.

We, the Roma of the world, are active, equal, communal, enterprising and positive citizens. We want to be involved in developing society and influencing our own affairs. We want to cooperate with all partners and actors who sincerely improve the conditions of the Roma: We extend our open hands for cooperation.

In each country, a National Roma Policy and a concrete measureable Roma action program must be drawn up, in cooperation with Roma organizations and Roma, added with a comprehensive annual monitoring and reporting system: The Roma themselves and own Roma organizations give feedback on the national and regional and local level, about the impact on their own lives.

In the preparation of monitoring indicators, cooperation must be done with Eurostat and FRA, also taking into account the EU's strategic program for equality, inclusion and participation of Roma in different areas of life. The cross-cutting objectives of the National Roma Policy are equality, inclusion and participation, as well as the elimination of discrimination by tackling antigypsyism.

National Roma political programs and concrete action programs must promote the education, employment, housing and health of the Roma, and strengthen the social, linguistic and cultural rights of the Roma, according to uniform indicators that can be measured. One possibility to improve the employment of Roma is to set national minority quotas for the recruitment of public positions and give tax breaks to employers who hire Roma for permanent employment.

We believe in a world where Roma are respected and included in all aspects of society. We are focused and actively working to create sustainable change and improvement in societies for the integration, peace, well-being and equality of Roma in the world. Our mission is to achieve economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR) for Roma, included the rights to adequate food, to adequate housing, to education, to work, to social security, to health, to take part in cultural life, and also to get clean water and sanitation.

IRU is also concerned and reacts to any violation of human rights with an emphasis on the Roma and the Roma community and directs a reaction to all countries with an emphasis on Norway and its government as well as some other Scandinavian countries due to illegal and illegal registration in special police or judicial registers intended only for Roma and the Roma community regardless of age and gender. It is a fundamental violation of basic human rights and its integrity, and is against all laws in their countries that are against discrimination.

We are proud of our own and valuable Romani culture. It is our duty to preserve Romanipen, our internal and external Romani culture. Internal Romanipen consists of Romani values (respect for elderly, solidarity, and Roma purity), attitudes, and the inner feeling of being Roma. External Romanipen includes not only the Romani language but also the observance of Romani customs in three different contexts: the family, the immediate family, and the wider social environment. Family values are very important to us. Young Roma people are our future and carriers of our mission for better life of Roma.

April 5, 2024 in Skopje

The 12th Congress of the International Romani Union – IRU

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