Raducanu Gheorghe has been selected as a special consultant - advisor, for political systems of the IRU

Within the congress activities of the IRU which were held in Skopje, North Macedonia and in the election of the new presidency and leadership of the IRU, in the presence of over 60 delegates of the IRU from 50 countries in the world, Mr. Raducanu Gheorghe from Romania, as a consultant -  advisor for political systems in the International Roma Union - IRU.

He will lead this position in the following years, and his choice was due to the fact that Raducanu was recognized as an excellent Roma leader who has been fighting for the rights of the Roma from Romania and for the rights of the Roma at the international level for many years.

He is an excellent connoisseur of political activities, because in fact he is the founder of one of the strongest and most respected Roma political parties in Romania, Asociatia Patrida Romilor "Pro Europa".

Mr. Raducanu Gheorghe is actually the founder of this party, which was founded 34 years ago on April 3, 1990.

This means that Raducanu as an active and top politician has been present for more than 3 decades and his experience and actions are enormous, therefore his experience, his skill and doctrine of political action together with the IRU can contribute to the greater dignity of the Roma nation at the level of international political character.

Mr. Raducanu has shown and proven this many times as a top politician.

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