On November 21, the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held at the EVZ Foundation in Berlin, where the report and activities of the Board were discussed.
IRU President Zoran Dimov is also a member of the Board at this meeting. During the meeting, apart from the report, priority of activities in the next year will be discussed.
Otherwise, the Board of Trustees decides on all fundamental questions that are part of the remit of the EVZ Foundation.
It determines the focuses of the Foundation's funding and activities, and establishes guidelines for the use of the resources. The Board of Trustees is international, and its current 28 members are delegated for four-year terms, for example, by the German Bundestag and Bundesrat, German economic players, and the states and organizations involved in the international negotiations that led to EVZ's establishment. The Board of Directors is responsible for current business activities of the EVZ Foundation and implements the resolutions of the Board of Trustees.