IRU President ZoranDimov asks: “How much do international institutions believe in the capacities of Roma organizations?

In one of his views and opinions regarding the cooperation with institutions of international character, the President of the IRU Mr. ZoranDimov expresses his disappointment with these institutions and also with certain organizations that deal with solving the Roma problem and creating policies. related to the Roma community.

He says: "I want to express my opinions and views first personally as a person, and then as President of the International Roma Union = IRU.

Many times so far, the IRU has shown its interest in cooperating with all international institutions and organizations when it comes to the status of the Roma community in all fields. Many times the IRU, through its membership, has extended a hand of cooperation.

The views of the IRU have always been with open dialogue and constructive debate to find the most favorable solutions to all possible problems and inconsistencies. I must also express my gratitude to most of the international actors who selflessly gave us their support and cooperation at the highest level.

But unfortunately, many times we have encountered misunderstandings, with a dose of distrust of our organization by a small number of international institutions, and at the same time by some "concerned about the situation of the Roma" organizations who still want to work on their own. , without looking at reality.

It is very symptomatic that some of them are seen as "organization above all organizations" and non-transparently play the role of "Roma Leaders".

It only brings regression, and instead of progress in the process for a better tomorrow for all of us!

Unfortunately, there are such people in the highest institutions of the European Union, such as the European Parliament, the EC, the Council of Europe and the like.

By abusing the trust of the people, they try to make some "individual step" instead of common interest, and thus play on "self-promotion". We must conclude that such activism will never bear fruit and be productive.

A classic example is the current situation with the KOVID 19 pandemic and the Statement proposed by the IRU to the European Parliament for a Minimum Investmentin the places where Roma live. Knowing the general condition of that community (infrastructural, economic, social ..), the question is: HOW LONG IS ITS IMPLEMENTATION AND IN WHAT WILL IT BE IMPLEMENTED?

Above all, my intention is to try to be all equal, to develop pluralism, trust and respect for other opinions and views.

In fact, with hypocritical and dirty games behind our backs, our position will only go backwards and will not bring anything good to all of us. That is the harsh reality primarily because the IRU, and I as its president, are honest, open, self-critical and above all transparent to all those who will give us a hand for cooperation.

Only in this way will we be able to see the reality "with open eyes" and see the disadvantages and everything that hinders our progress, - said in the conclusion by the President of the IRU ZoranDimov

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