IRU Congress Activities: Economic and Business Promotion of Roma Investment Fund - RIF.

In March this year, during the 11th IRU Congress in Skopje, one of the items on the agenda is the Economic and Business Development of the Roma community.

The focus will be on sustainable economic and business Roma profiles through entrepreneurs, and the establishment of business incubators.


At the same time, they will also focus on encouraging the development of Roma women's business activity. The objectives and tasks of the Conference during the IRU Congress will be focused in several segments.


It is believed that by enabling business development, entrepreneurs will lead to long-term employment and job opportunities for the Roma community internationally.


The vision of the IRU as an organization that wants to promote this part is to promote economic progress in the Roma communities. The goals and objectives of this conference will be


Increase micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in marginalized Roma communities, identify, invest and support those who have the potential to add new jobs and maximize community benefits.


Nurturing entrepreneurship among Roma women so that they become a catalyst for boosting economic development.


Promote and express the interest of Roma entrepreneurs by establishing business clubs / associations / cooperatives in order to improve the business environment and financing opportunities.


Build a cadre of Roma investment professionals around which a Roma Investment Fund will be built.

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