What will be decided at the IRU Congress in Skopje?

The IRU Congress, which will be held in Skopje, Republic of Northern Macedonia from March 26 to March 29, 2020, is the 11th in a row since its inception.


According to the IRU statute, it is held every four years. During this Congress, the focus will be on other topics to be dealt with and very important for future actions of the IRU. Statutory acts will also be respected. Election of the IRU leadership as well as the admission of new IRU delegates.


The choice of the future IRU leadership of the IRU means the structure of the Presidency and the members of the IRU, more precisely the scheme of functions.


The scheme to be elected at this IRU Congress is as follows:

President of the IRU

Four Vice Presidents

Secretary General.

President of the IRU Parliament

Two Vice Presidents of the IRU Parliament

Secretary of the IRU Parliament (Treasurer)

Head of all IRU Commissions

Chief Coordinator of IRU Commissions

Head of the IRU Committee on Finance, Economic and Social Affairs

Head of the IRU Commission on Human and Women's Rights

Head of the IRU Commission on Education, Language and Science

Head of the IRU Commission on Justice

Head of the IRU Youth and Sports Commission

Head of the IRU Media and Communications Commission

Head of the IRU Commission on Culture, Tradition and Religion

Head of the IRU Commission on Holocaust and Interventions

Head of the IRU Diaspora Commission (Asia and Australia)

Head of IRU Diaspora Commission (North and South America)

There are alternates in each of the Commission

Head of the IRU Roma Chris as well as members (7) of the Roma IRU Chris


Otherwise according to IRU Status all functions are elected by 2/3 majority of the present IRU delegates.




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