Applications for admission to the new IRU Decades for the next IRU Congress are due by January 15, 2020

As part of its activities, the International Roma Union - IRU, according to its decision, the next IRU Congress will be held on March 28-30 in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Northern Macedonia.
In addition to the election of the new IRU leadership, there will also be new IRU delegates.
According to the Statute of the IRU Congress is held every 4 years, and the last 10 IRU Congress was in March 2016.
For the right time in the history of the IRU during the Congress in Skopje, the future Presidency will also be elected by registered voters who will cast their ballots electronically. So far, 5,600 voters have been registered with the Democratic Transition Commission and this will be a broader and more democratic mandate for the future IRU leadership.
At the same time, new delegates will be admitted to the IRU. You can find application forms on the IRU Web site at for the rules, form, and deadline for applying for an IRU Delegate in the Documents folder, as well as at the front page of the Roma Times Web Portal -

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