They were minted in Macedonia, then scattered throughout Kosovo - how to recognize fake 2 euro coins?

The latest case with the arrest of a police officer from Macedonia on Kosovo territory, who is suspected of making counterfeit coins in denominations of up to 2 euros, opened the question of how citizens can recognize this fake money. According to experts from the National Bank, with a little education of the citizens, these fake coins can be easily recognized.

The design of counterfeit coins often looks blurry, with a lot of bumps and scratches, and their shape is irregular. The inscriptions on the edges of the original euro coins are sharp, for easier recognition by people with impaired vision, while they are unclear and unrecognizable on counterfeit ones. Through the use of a magnet you can relatively easily and simply determine counterfeit money, say the NBRM.

In April, a similar action was discovered by the Spanish police, where a Chinese group was caught that produced about a million euros in fake two-euro coins.

The Spanish police published information on how to recognize fake euros through video and photos. They do not have enough details and notches on the edge of the coins like real euros, and the easiest way to check is to use a magnet. Real coins are demagnetized and cannot be picked up and stuck to a magnet, while fakes respond to the magnet's attraction.

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