About Google translation in Romani: This idea was initiated by IRU with proposed projects back in 2016!

On June 27, Google announced on its website that it had added the Romani language of the Roma.

This is of great importance for the promotion of Romani culture in different languages ​​and the normalization of the Romani language on a platform of Google's global dimensions.

But to tell the truth, this initiative was most officially initiated by the IRU in 2016. A digitization project was made in the form of publishing a digital dictionary with a starting fund of 20,000 Romani words that can then be replenished and enriched.

IT technical experts were ready to join the digital platform, which was also given to the European institutions in that project. That digital dictionary was mostly formed from words and forms used among Roma from the Balkans.

At the same time, it was planned to create sub-classes from the Caldera, Vlach and Llovar dialects, and to prepare the ground for its standardization.

But because the process is a bit more complicated for its standardization, some organizations forced it and it was not defined like that and it was promoted on the Google platform, which unfortunately now take the credit for themselves as the main initiators and promoters.

But let's believe that in the near future, Roma language experts will find a common language and without ego, the Romani language will be unified, which will benefit all those who speak and write it, as well as those who want to use it. learn the Romani language. IRU is at your disposal with its proposed projects.

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