Romani boxer from Hungary, Richárd Kovács, among the top 10 best boxers at the Olympic Games in Paris

In the boxing quarter-finals at the Olympics, Hungarian boxing hopeful Richárd Kovács, who is of Romani origin, almost got a chance to medal. He lost to his French rival Sofiane Oumiha in the light welterweight category (63.5 kg). The result means Kovács missed a shot at competing for a medal by just one match and is one of the best eight boxers in that category at the 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris. Oumiha, who won silver at the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2016, ensured himself a bronze medal at least by winning the quarter-final. The match was held in a tempestuous atmosphere in the Nord Paris Arena in Villepinte. Oumiha dominated in all three rounds thanks to his agility and speed, scoring him a clear victory on points.

Kovács, despite not advancing to the semi-final, performed excellently and showed his abilities on the world stage. His participation in the quarter-final of the Olympic tournament is an important success not just for him, but for boxing in Hungary and for the Romani community.



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