Dragana Jovanović - Roma boxer representative of Serbia: "My dream is participation and a medal at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris"

Dragana Jovanović won a bronze medal at the last European Championship.

She is from Sombor, but currently she is a member of BK Obilić.

Otherwise, she won a silver medal in the junior competition at the European Championships in 2023 in the category up to 52 kg. Already in 2024, she was called to the senior national team of Serbia and won the bronze on her first participation.

As she says, boxing is her great love and she is proud of her performances in the Serbian jersey. Experts see enormous potential and talent in her.

She says that she is always ready for international performances.

He is now awaiting a call from the Serbian national team for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, which will be held from July 26 to August 11.

"That is now my dream. Performance at the Olympics, as well as winning one of the medals at that Olympics," says Dragana Jovanović.






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