Sejdo Durakov, a Roma from Macedonia, is the new pearl of Bayern Munich

Sejdo Durakov is a promising footballer and is in a place that every young footballer would like to be. In the great Bayern Munich.

He is currently a member of the Bavarian U17 team. A boy born in 2007 in Augsburg, who plays in the position of offensive midfielder or popularly called "ten". His parents are from Macedonia, and now he represents a promising and great talent with which it is believed that in the future the Roma will be proud of him, because his parents are Roma from Macedonia

Just to clarify what kind of player he is, in the first round of the youth Bundesliga, for his Bayern Munich, Durakov scored a hat trick in the 5:0 victory against Jan Regensburg and assisted one goal.

Durakov has already made appearances for the German national team, for which he also wore the captain's armband. A great privilege indeed, but a responsibility at the same time.

This, of course, gives confirmation of what is said to be serious quality and potential that Durakov undoubtedly possesses.





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