Czech kickboxer of Romani origin wins gold in Sarajevo

Romani community member Václav Sivák won gold in the Kickboxing Senior World Championships held over the weekend in Sarajevo, defeating a challenger from Kazakhstan in the final match to become the first-ever Kickboxing World Champion from the Czech Republic. The contest was organized by the prestigious World Association of Kickboxing Organizations (WAKO).

That international kickboxing organization certifies amateur kickboxing competitions. Its governing body manages the sport at amateur level.

"History has been made! On 25 October 2019, Czech Kickboxing entered the annals of that sport," the official website of the Czech Union of Full-Contact and Other Martial Arts posted to its official web page.

Currently Sivák is the reigning champion in the K-1 discipline for men weighing 67 kg or less. Last year he won gold in the junior championships, for example, at a WAKO competition in Skopje, Macedonia in the K-1 category for men weighing 63.5 kg or less.

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