Sylvester Stallone thanks Tyson Fury for bringing back Rocky memories by dressing as Apollo Creed in Las Vegas

Sylvester Stallone thanked Tyson Fury for bringing back Rocky memories by dressing as Apollo Creed in Las Vegas last weekend.
Fury, 30, brilliantly dressed as Apollo Creed for his win over Tom Schwarz in Las Vegas.

The Brit is looking to crack America and made a good start by coming out in the Rocky character's Stars and Stripes shorts, dressing gown and top hat.
Fury told fans to expect a special entrance and certainly delivered - before winning by a resounding second-round KO.

In true Rocky style, he entered the ring to James Brown's 'Living in America', with dancers performing in the background.

Creator and star of the Rocky series and avid boxing fan Stallone praised the Gypsy King on social media for his eccentric ring walk.

Stallone said: “Thank you to the amazing Real life champion, Tyson Fury!
"It’s so incredibly gratifying to see these moments live on. “ Yo, it ain’t over til it’s over!“ sorry I meant 1985, still, it’s amazing!"

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